The New Generations within boardrooms

Fuente: Ethicalboardroom Autor: Gabe Shawn Varges – Senior Partner at HCM International & Chairman of the GECN Group   Much is being written about what is different about Millennials...

Was the Exxon Fight a Bellwether?

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance Autores: Thomas Ball, James Miller and Shirley Westcott de Alliance Advisors Background The most groundbreaking development this proxy season...

Cumbre Latinoamericana de Gobierno Corporativo 2022 (OCDE)

Fuente: OCDE El pasado Diciembre de 2022, se realizó la cumbre latinoamericana de Gobierno Corporativo organizada por la OCDE. En esta se conversó sobre sostenibilidad,...

Capitalism Post-COVID: Companies Doing Good To Become Great

Autor: Avivah Wittenberg-Cox There is nothing more revelatory than a crisis. Turn the world upside down, shake, and see how countries, companies and couples react....

Ripples of Responsibility: How Long-Term Investors Navigate Uncertainty With Purpose

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance Autores: Matthew Leatherman, Ariel Babcock, and Victoria Tellez, FCLTGlobal Investment organizations around the world face an array of...

The illusory promise of Stakeholder Governance

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance Autores: Lucian A. Bebchuk & Roberto Tallarit Los peligros del gobierno corporativo centrado en los stakeholders: Actualmente el...

Board Oversight: Forming an Innovation & Technology Committee

Fuente: Diligent Insights As today’s business landscape continues to shift, we see more boards forming new, strategically focused committees outside the big three (Audit, Compensation,...

Repensando el rol del directorio en la crisis COVID19: Una conversación con Michel Demaré

Fuente: Institute for Management Development IMD En este video, Didier Cossin -profesor de gobernanza, fundador y director del IMD Global Board Center- profundiza en las mejores...

The ESG Lens On COVID-19

Fuente: S&P Global  Autores: Corinne B Bendersky, Michael T Ferguson, Noemie De La Gorce, Bruno Bastia The coronavirus pandemic has rapidly spread across the globe, creating...

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