Corporate Governance—The New Paradigm: A Better Way Than Federalization

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation Autor: Martin Lipton While “The Accountable Capitalism Act” introduced last week by Senator Elizabeth Warren...

Debuta nueva agrupación para sacar la voz por los directores de Empresas en Chile

Fuente: El Mercurio Autor: Azucena González En un contexto mucho más desafiante —con nuevas regulaciones, riesgos reputacionales y disrupción tecnológica—, los directores se organizaron. Bajo el...

Environmental, social & governance ratings

Fuente: Ethical Boardroom - Autor: Zally Ahmadi – Director of Corporate Governance & Executive Compensation at D.F. King, an AST Company Environmental, social & governance (ESG)...

Getting your ducks in a row for the next CEO

Fuente: Ethical Boardroom Autor: Tom Johnson – Chief Executive Officer, Abernathy MacGregor   In today’s governance world, a corporate board’s duties are increasingly diverse. From helping determine...

How you can help small businesses impacted by COVID-19

Fuente: Bankrate Autor: Meredith Hoffman In the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic, small business owner Brittany Franey can be found standing in her driveway passing out...

Corporate Governance for Sustainability Statement

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation Introduction The current model of corporate governance needs reform. There is mounting evidence that the...

Social-Impact Efforts That Create Real Value

Fuente: Harvard Business Review Autor: George Serafeim Until the mid-2010s few investors paid attention to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) data—information about companies’ carbon footprints, labor...

Why ESG is a New Trend

Fuente: FX Empire We sat down for an exclusive interview with Francis Menassa, JAR Capital. As European legislation includes more ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) or...

Practical Lessons in Boardroom Leadership

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation - Autor: Joseph Mandato is a Managing Director at DeNovo Ventures and William Devine leads the Corporation...

Information Governance: Achieving data ethics, privacy and trust

Fuente: Ethical Boardroom Autor: Sonia Cheng – Managing Director & Steve McNew – Senior Managing Director, Technology, FTI Consulting     Life and business today are hugely reliant...

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