The Audit Committee’s Role in Sustainability/ESG Oversight

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance Autores: Stephen G. Parker, Tracey-Lee Brown, and Gregory Johnson, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Because ESG encompasses strategy, risk and opportunity,...

Managing Strategic Risks in the Face of the Coronavirus

Fuente: Directors & Boards Autor: David A. Brown and Luke Trompeter It took less than three months for the virus to spread to tens of thousands...

Proyecciones para una reactivación empresarial sostenible

Fuente: Acción Empresa Autor: Facultad de Comunicaciones UDD y Sustenta+ Haga click aquí para revisar el estudio completo en versión pdf

¿ESG, una brújula sin norte?

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance Autores: Brian Tayan (Stanford University) ESG ratings are intended to provide information to market participants (investors, analysts, and...

Fall of the Ivory Tower: Controlled Companies and Shareholder Activism

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation Autor: Amy Freedman, Michael Fein, and Ian Robertson Despite longstanding complaints about governance and the...

Gobierno Corporativo: Visión del regulador en un mundo en transformación – Comisión para el...

Seminario "Directorio y desafíos de la transformación" (martes 4 de junio, 2019) Mauricio Larrain, comisionado de la Comisión para el Mercado Financiero (CMF), presenta la...

EGM: A framework for building trust in business

Fuente: Ethical Boardroom - Autor: Anderson Dy, PhD – Vice President of Sales for Northern/Eastern Europe and Africa, Diligent Corporation Building trust is a critical corporate...

Good corporate governance begins with good data

Fuente: Ethical Boardroom - Por: Aniel Mahabier – Chief Executive Officer, CGLytics Effective corporate governance starts with having the right information. In an ever-changing corporate...

Voto individual de los clientes de Administradoras de Fondos en las juntas de accionistas:...

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance  Autores: Martha Carter, Matt Filosa, and Sean Quinn, Teneo Earlier this year, Republican Senators introduced the “INDEX” Act...

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