Banks And Climate Crisis: Time For Stakeholder Governance And Reinvention

Autor: Dina Medland There is no evidence today that trust in financial services is higher in 2020 than it was in 2010, after the financial...

25 ideas that will shape the 2020s

Fuente: Fortune Fortune asked 25 of the sharpest minds to weigh in on the epic, disruptive, thrilling, terrifying, and fascinating ideas that will mold the...

Refining the Roadmap: A Guide to Onboarding Next-Gen Board Talent

Fuente: Next Gen Board Leaders The Next Gen Board Leaders community has published a set of recommendations for today’s boards to highlight the little-known challenges,...

Visiones de los directorios sobre los riesgos ESG

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance Autores: Michael J. Callahan, David F. Larcker, and Brian Tayan (Stanford University) ESG—Environmental, Social, and Governance matters—have become...

Pwc’s 2019 Annual Corporate Directors Survey


Building on Common Ground to Advance Sustainable Capitalism

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance Autor: Colin Mayer, Amelia Miazad, and Rupert Younger (Enacting Purpose Initiative) Introduction There is a growing consensus in the...

CMF publica guía para orientar sobre el cumplimiento de la NCG461 (Memorias Anuales Integradas)

Fuente: Comisión para el Mercado Financiero Revisa Acá la Guía Completa La normativa de la CMF que instruyó a los supervisados reportar temáticas de sostenibilidad y...

Previo al desastre, FTX ignoró despectivamente la sugerencia de un potencial inversionista sobre formar...

Fuente: Business Insider Autora: Britney Nguyen Sam Bankman-Fried once pitched Social Capital, but Chamath Palihapitiya said he "didn't make much sense." After the Zoom meeting,...

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