COVID-19: Rapid Response Checklist – Boston Consulting Group (BCG)

Fuente: Boston Consulting Group Para ver el documento oficial, haga click aquí: COVID-19 Rapid Response  

Board and Director Assessments that Matter

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance Autor: Rusty O’Kelley, Justus O’Brien, and Laura Sanderson, Russell Reynolds Associates. Many observers have been vocal in their...

COVID-19: Emerging Board Governance Priorities

Fuente: National Association of Corporate Directores (NACD) Autor: Mandy Wright and Reaa Chadha As the COVID-19 crisis continues to escalate—on Wednesday the World Health Organization declared...

COVID-19: Implications for business

Fuente: McKinsey & Company Autor: Matt Craven, Linda Liu, Mihir Mysore, and Matt Wilson The coronavirus outbreak is first and foremost a human tragedy, affecting hundreds of...

A CEO Plan for Coronavirus: Actions to Take Now

Fuente: Bain & Company The COVID-19 outbreak is unlike any previous crisis: traditional crisis-response approaches will not be sufficient. CEOs need to act now, and...

Reivindicando lo avanzado

Fuente: El Mercurio (12 de marzo, 2020)

How Men Can Become Better Allies to Women

Fuente: Harvard Business Review Autor: W. Brad Johnson y David G. Smith Women’s conferences and employee resource groups (ERGs) are increasingly inviting men to attend. By creating...

Preservar la cadena de valor

Fuente: El Pulso  

Mayor protagonismo de la mujer en los directorios

Fuente: Fondo Monetario Internacional Autor: Kristalina Georgieva y Louise Levonian ¿Dónde están las mujeres? Esta es una pregunta que no deberíamos tener que hacer en el año 2020. Pero...

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