PwC’s 2021 Annual Corporate Directors Survey

Fuente: PwC Board governance Insights Autor: PwC PwC’s 2021 Annual Corporate Directors Survey Revisa acá el informe en formato PDF The director’s new playbook: Taking on change 64%...

Coparticipación en los Directorios: Herramientas para el Debate

Fuente: Aspen Institute Business & Society Program Idea Lab on Worker Voice in Corporate Governance Workers are a rich source of strategic and operational insight for...

Understanding ESG Expectations During the COVID-19 Crisis

Fuente: Diligent Insights Even during strong economic times, ESG can represent a gap in priorities between boards, management teams and investors. During the pandemic, will...

Climate change, plastic and SDGs are front of mind for investor dialogue

Fuente: Ethical Boardroom Autor: Carola van Lamoen – Head of Active Ownership, Robeco Engaging in ESG The active environmental, social and governance (ESG) dialogue between investors and...

¿ESG, una brújula sin norte?

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance Autores: Brian Tayan (Stanford University) ESG ratings are intended to provide information to market participants (investors, analysts, and...

¿Deben las empresas involucrarse en causas sociales?

Fuente: Centro Reputación Corporativa, ESE Business School Para descargar el documento completo en PDF, haz click aqui ...

The ‘Glass Cliff’ Challenge For Corporate Governance

Fuente: Forbes Autor: Michael Peregrine Most corporate directors are familiar with the term “glass ceiling”—as they should be. Fewer directors are familiar with the term “glass cliff”— but they...

Exxon y Shell obligadas a reducir su impacto climático, estrategias inéditas para influir en...

Fuentes: El PAÍS y CNN ESPAÑOL Autores: Isabel Ferrer, El País y Matt Egan, CNN Español; editado por Francisco Pavlic, Centro de Gobierno Corporativo y...

Cambio en reglas de la SEC podría hacer que los inversores activistas lleguen a...

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance Autor: Kai Liekefett, Derek Zaba, and Beth Berg, Sidley Austin LLP On November 17, 2021, the U.S. Securities...

Propuestas de accionistas llegan a cifras récord en la temporada de juntas de accionistas...

Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance Autores:Hannah Orowitz, Rajeev Kumar, and Lee Anne Hagel, Georgeson LLC Revisa acá el estudio en versión pdf Introduction An early...

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