Corporate Purpose: Stakeholders and Long-Term Growth
Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation
Autores: Martin Lipton, Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz
Until recently, the dialogue on corporate governance...
Corporate ‘Purpose’ Is No Substitute for Good Governance
Fuente: MIT Sloan Management Review - Autores: David Kiron and Gregory Unruh
"Any corporate purpose, however laudatory or noble that mission may be, must be...
Tomar mejores decisiones con el Big Data
Fuente: Harvard Deusto Review
Autor: Javier Zamora, Senior Recturer de Sistemas de Información en el IESE Business School
Para ver el informe completo, haz click aqui
The False Choice Between Business and Ethics
Fuente: MIT Sloan Management Review - Autores: R. Edward Freeman & Bidhan (Bobby) L. Parmar
Should there be an imperative — moral or otherwise —...
Update on U.S. Director Pay
Fuente: Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation - Posted by Kosmas Papadopoulos, ISS Analytics (Monday, May 6, 2019)
In recent years, non-executive...
ESG risks and opportunities
Fuente: Ethical Boardroom
Autora: Linda-Eling Lee – Global Head of Research, MSCI
The investment world has seen increasing growth in environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing...
EGM: A framework for building trust in business
Fuente: Ethical Boardroom - Autor: Anderson Dy, PhD – Vice President of Sales for Northern/Eastern Europe and Africa, Diligent Corporation
Building trust is a critical corporate...
BCI, SQM y CCU fueron las empresas IPSA que más pagaron a sus directorios...
Fuente: PULSO, Empresas & Mercados
El banco desembolsó $2.608 millones en sus nueve directores durante el año pasado. En tanto, a nivel de las 30...
Board Oversight: Forming an Innovation & Technology Committee
Fuente: Diligent Insights
As today’s business landscape continues to shift, we see more boards forming new, strategically focused committees outside the big three (Audit, Compensation,...
Sam Palmisano le habla al directorio
Samuel J. Pamisiano fue administrador, presidente y director ejecutivo de IBM (2002-2012), director en Exxon, American Express y Bloomberg. Tras varios años de experiencia...